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What causes anxiety in each Zodiac sign?

Discover astrological characteristics that can lead to anxiety and suggestions on how to reduce symptoms.


By Personare

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Anxiety is an increasingly prevalent emotional condition in our lives. Because of that, it’s important to understand the triggers in order to try to mitigate the negative impacts, and Astrology can help. Below, we’ll tell you what causes the most anxiety in each sign.

The Connection Between Astrology and Anxiety 

Some astrological characteristics that can lead to anxiety appear in each person’s Natal Chart. However, not only your Sun sign, but also Ascendant, planets, and astrological Houses should be considered.

So, create your free Natal Chart here and keep it close by. Then, take a look at the positions that can represent different types of anxiety.

By understanding what causes the most anxiety in each sign (in reality, signs, because nobody has only one sign in their chart), we can gain valuable insights into emotional triggers and paths to overcome this condition.

What Causes the Most Anxiety in Each Sign? 

Aries People with Sun, Ascendant, or Moon in Aries tend to experience anxiety related to haste, restlessness, and irritability. This includes always being in a rush, running from one place to another, and struggling with impatience.

✨Tips: Engage in physical activity, organize your schedule better and avoid factors that trigger irritability.

Taurus People with a significant amount of Taurus in their Chart (planets in Taurus or in other Earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn) may feel anxiety regarding financial insecurity. They may also excessively worry about work.

✨Tips: Stay organized, set priorities, and delegate tasks. Additionally, respect sleep and timing limits.

Gemini People: If you have Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, or Moon in Gemini, an excess of stimuli, such as social media and television, can be a source of anxiety. Trying to do everything at once can disrupt your emotional state or prevent you from organizing.

✨Tips: Allocate time to disconnect from social media and stimuli. How about creating a home-based spiritual retreat?

Cancer People with Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in Cancer are prone to anxiety caused by undefined fears and apprehensions, occasionally leading to negative fantasies about the future. These emotions can generate a great deal of estresse.

✨Tips: Consider conventional and alternative therapies to address these issues.

Leo Individuals with many planets in Leo can deplete their vitality by having a personal connection with everything. They need to understand what is within their control, what belongs to them or not, and avoid personalizing everything.

✨Tips: Not everything depends on you, and fortunately, you are not at the center of everything. Learn to relax, and seek humor and leisure as ways to deal with anxiety.

Virgo People with Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in Virgo may feel professional or family-related pressure, feeling like they can’t handle it all, which can lead to anxiety.

✨Tips: Set goals and priorities for the week, and respect sleep and eating limits.

Libra People: If you have Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, or Moon in Libra, you may experience anxiety due to indecision. When you get stuck, you create internal pressure. Additionally, restlessness and impatience can exacerbate your emotional state.

✨Tips: Seek therapies and resources to help you move past prolonged periods of indecision and understand the triggers behind it.

Scorpio Individuals with Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in Scorpio may experience anxiety due to emotional intensity and relationship issues. These feelings can cause a lot of anguish and discomfort.

✨Tips: Self-awareness is the key! The Natal Chart is an interesting tool that can help you understand this intensity and cope with it better.

Sagittarius People: If you have many planets in Sagittarius, you may feel like you’re always in a state of acceleration, as if you’re constantly running.

✨Tips: Better organize your schedule and consider each commitment carefully, leaving with more time in advance, to reduce your pace.

Capricorn People with Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in Capricorn may experience a lot of guilt, a feeling that often goes hand in hand with perfectionism.

✨Tips: It’s important to understand (and perhaps talk about it in therapy) that making mistakes and being fallible is normal. Learn to be less critical to yourself.

Aquarius Individuals with Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, or Moon in Aquarius may experience anxiety due to both excessive stimuli and feelings of haste, restlessness, and irritability.

✨Tips: Organize your routine to include regular physical activity and moments of relaxation, which are crucial for reducing anxiety.

Pisces People: If you have Ascendant, Sun, or Moon in Pisces, you may struggle with wandering thoughts and negative fantasies about the future. These feelings can lead to a great deal of anguish and discomfort.

✨Tips: Alternative therapies are highly recommended, including the use of flower essences.


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