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The Court Cards in Tarot and What Do They Teach About You?

Arcana of Tarot Courts Cards talk about the qualities you can develop in your personality and life

Zoe de Camaris

By Zoe de Camaris

Updated on

The Court cards in Tarot represent royalty characters, i.e. Princesses, Knights, Queens and Kings. These figures are archetypes related to human character.

We, human beings, are more complex than archetypes, we are full of particularities, memories, divisions and subdivisions.

Archetypes are pure, divine, transcendent and indicate qualities that we can develop at some point in our lives. They might also indicate people who portray these particular traits and who cross our paths.

Thus, the court cards in Tarot will help you understand what qualities you need to develop in yourself.

Do you get what the Tarot court cards are telling you?

When you ask Tarot something like, for example, “Should I invest in this relationship” or “What is the purpose of being in this situation?” and a Tarot court card appears as an answer, it represents the hidden purpose of recognizing the qualities pointed out by the card.

This card may be leading you towards learning about the arcane characteristics in the face of the situation you are experiencing.

Do you recognize these characteristics in you?

If the answer is “YES”, it means that cultivating the Tarot court card qualities has to do with the situation purpose you are experiencing. In addition, it is also important to assess the extent to which these characteristics bother you.

Do you not recognize these characteristics in yourself?

If the answer is “NO” or you do not recognize these characteristics in your personality, the Tarot court card you chose means that developing the arcane characteristics is related to the situation purpose you asked about.

However, if you clearly recognize these characteristics in someone who is directly involved in the situation you want to deal with, the card is asking you to pay attention to how this person works in your life.

Tarot card archetypes are genderless

It is important that you understand the cards are genderless, but have masculine and feminine energy qualities.

Everyone has feminine and masculine energies, no matter what gender you most identify with. Because feminine and masculine energy has nothing to do with gender, but with flexibility and strength, respectively.

Thus, the Tarot court card that you have chosen may indicate feminine or masculine characteristics in the people involved in the situation you asked the Tarot about.


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Zoe de Camaris

Zoe de Camaris

Zoe de Camaris is a tarologist and postgraduate in Linguistics. She included Tarot in her specialization studies, in order to validate it as a visual language system suitable for interdisciplinary practices, in the reading of the cinematographic, literary, and Visual Arts universe. She teaches regular Tarot courses and works in Curitiba. She is the author of the Direct Personare Tarot.